Timetable Operations Underway

Panoramic view of the Highland Pacific Railroad layout

Panoramic view of the Highland Pacific Railroad layout

Posted live during the operating session …

A small but dedicated crew of operators has been called to work by the crew caller and dispatcher Bryan Hunnell.

Train 804, an eastbound freight, left Vista Yard and hit the mainline another an hour behind schedule. Engineer Bryan Hunnell made up some time on the schedule by while switching at Bayshore Docks.

In the meantime Cab Operator Pat Keegan fired up the 805, a westbound freight on track 363, an began the long journey to the western terminus of the Highland Pacific Railroad. Picking up some cars at Bayshore Docks slowed his arrival at Vista Yard.

Train 806 Engineer Arie Korporaal made up time on the schedule running the First 806 out of Vista eastbound as a through freight. Even so, this priority freight with Western Pacific on the point arrived at its Greely Yard destination just under an hour late.

Lindsay Smith worked as Eastside Brakeman with Ron Wardwell serving as the critical Vista Yard Operator. Bill Chappell got the session underway by staging trains around the layout.

The next operating session governed by timetable is scheduled for July 29, 2015. Be there or be square.