National Model Railroad Association Set to Visit Highland Pacific Railroad

It’s true … the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) has added the Highland Pacific Railroad to its tour schedule in early August. The Tour Committee is preparing the tour booklet as we speak.

We have been told that tour buses will visit us on Monday, August 5th or Wednesday, August 7th. We do not know the time as of yet.

More importantly, we need you to be here to put on the best operating show of our well-known model railroad. Adjust your vacation, ask for a day off for tour day, the club on Wednesday evenings and help get the place cleaned up, made ship-shape, are ready to wow.

This is our moment to shine and we need you to be here from now to the August tour date. Come on down. Help get the place ready. Put your mark on the layout. Run a vacuum cleaner. Wrangle a rug cleaner. There are lots of jobs to do and we need lots of members to help get it done.

Let’s put on a good show for the rest of the country. Let’s create the best impression of our favorite model railroad for visitors and give them something positive to remember about the Highland Park Society of Model Railroad Engineers.