Come Run Your Train on the Highland Pacific HO Scale Model Railroad

Attention Model Railroaders and Train Enthusiasts:

The Highland Pacific Model Railroad Club in San Gabriel will be holding a TRAIN RUNNING SESSION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Santa Fe F3 17 waits with the Super Chief Modeler: John Deka

Santa Fe F3 17 waits with the Super Chief
Modeler: John Deka

Members of the community are welcome to bring an HO Scale (DC or DCC we can run both on our layout) train to the club and run it on our famous layout, featuring over 4,000 feet of track.

Don’t have a train? Run Ours! We will have trains for you to run, freight or passenger. In addition we will have engineer helpers and conductors to make your journey on the Highland Pacific a memorable experience.

Where? Highland Pacific Railroad, 854 Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776

When? Sunday, September 30th, Noon to 4 PM.

RSVP Let us know you are coming, and we will reserve a cab (5 total) for you! We also have plenty of Yard and Local spaces for people. Let us know your preference.

Also let us know if you will be bringing your own train or using our rolling stock.

Bring your camera for great pictures and spectacular train operation through cities, towns and mountains!

To RSVP or for more Information send an email to Steve Smith Sr. at

Steve Smith
Assistant Superintendent
Highland Pacific Society of Model Railroad Engineers