New Officers Elected at Annual Business Meeting

A new Board of Directors was elected at the Annual Business Meeting on July 13, 2022.

The 2022-2024 Board Members are:

The new board takes office on August 1st. Board members serve a term of 2 years.

Other business items included updates from Department Heads. Of note: Standards and Operations announced that standards checks for the 74th Annual November Open House will begin in August. Members can make an appointment now to have their trains checked for running on the layout during the November Open House. Trains not approved by the Standards Department cannot operate on the layout during Open House.

Speaking of which … Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, 7 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, November 5, Noon to 5 p.m.; Sunday, November 6, Noon –5 p.m. Mark your calendars and arrange your schedule now to help show off your railroad to our visitors.

Annual Business Meeting Scheduled for July 13, 2022 at a New Time: 7 PM

The next regularly scheduled Annual Business Meeting is set for Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM in the Club Rooms, 854 E. Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776.

Members will have received a copy (via email or US Mail) of the July meeting agenda, minutes of the April 2022 Quarterly Business Meeting (a link to a copy of the minutes is here), and a Meeting Agenda. Also incldued was a copy of a Proxy Form. Please return the signed Proxy Form to Stacy Ross, Chief Clerk, if you are unable to attend the meeting.

NOTE: The new time for the meeting start is 7:PM (not the usual 8 PM start). Be there or be square.

Sunset at Hobart Yard 1982

. . . forty years ago, the sun was setting in the west looking down Santa Fe's Third District main line at Hobart Tower, in Los Angeles, CA, as a Hobart Yard switch job “cabs off" a longer than normal empty piggyback, or "baretable" train, that, because of it's length, was built using the South main. Except for the length, this was a normal weekly occurance. It always amazed me that an empty train would leave both Chicago and Los Angeles every Monday, running the length of the entire system passing somewhere in Kansas. Even back then, they were experimenting with extra long trains as this one extended from Hobart Tower all the way to Eastern Ave, well over ten thousand feet. With nearly a couple hundred feet of slack, not sure I would have enjoyed riding this cab.
Joe Blackwell via

Miniatur Wunderland Sets Another Guiness World

Miniatur Wunderland, the Hamburg-based attraction that is home to the largest model train set and the largest model train set (scale length) has broken yet another record. 

The attraction has been closed for almost a year due to the Coronavirus lockdown, but the time has given the Miniatur Wunderland team the opportunity to create a new world record for the longest melody played by a model train.

Enjoy this unbelievably creative trip around the world’s largest model railroad. You can visit their site here: Miniatur Wunderland.

Awards Banquet Canceled

The Annual Awards Banquet, scheduled for Saturday, January 15, 2022, has been canceled. The Board, considering several factors including fewer than expected reservations, some members traveling, and concerns related to the ongoing pandemic (the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is reporting upwards of 40,000 new cases over the past several days), the Board recommended canceling the banquet.

Upon the Board’s recommendation the members in attendance at the Quarterl Business Meeting voted overwhelmingly to cancel the banquet. Alternatives were briefly discussed ranging from a catered dinner at the club to a celebratory dinner and operating session on the weekend of the club’s founding date, April 2nd.

Quarterly Business Meeting Scheduled for January 12, 2022

The next regularly scheduled Quarterly Business Meeting is set for Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM in the Club Rooms, 854 E. Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776.

Members will have received a copy (via email or US Mail) of the January meeting agenda, minutes of the October 2021 Quarterly Business Meeting, and a Meeting Agenda. Also incldued was a copy of a Proxy Form. Please return the signed Proxy Form to Stacy Ross, Chief Clerk, if you are unable to attend the meeting.

Timetable Operations Set for Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The next regularly scheduled Timetable Operating Session will be for Wednesday, December 29, 2021 starting at 7:00 PM.

James Keena, Standards and Operations Department Head, will have trains, locomotives, and rolling stock staged at various locations around the layout. All trains will run on a schedule outlined in Timetable No. 10.

We need cab operators, West End, Vista, Bayshore, Del Mar, Blue Island and Doering yard operators, as well as Eastside and Westside Brakemen.

There are operating positions for all members. Come on down for the last operating session of the year.

NMRA Video Clinics on YouTube


More than 150 model railroading video clinics are posted on YouTube for all to view. These video clinics were broadcast instead of in-person clinics during he COVID-19 pandemic.

Some videos were pre-recorded, others broadcast “live” either on Facebook or YouTube. NMRA members from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the United States have collaborated to bring this collection of video presentations. The quality is variable but all were made in the spirit of sharing a modeler’s knowledge and none were made by professional videographers.

You can access the videos on the NMRA YouTube Channel.

We're Done and Open!

The construction at the club is done. At least for the time being.

Green carpet sample.

Green carpet sample.

The front steps have been poured and make the steps into the front door much easier as the height of each step fits the “standard rise” of a step at 8 inches (give or take).

And the front room has been recarpted with new Chicago, Northwestern green, an official color of the Highland Pacific Railroad, carpeting. Well, not CNW green but a dark green that replaces the faded red carpeting that has been in the front room since the end of the Ice Ages. Actually the color is similar to the carpet sample closeup to the right.

Active member, Jerry Duncan, was the benefactor who donated the entire cost of the re-carpeting. Tell him thanks. And also say thanks to Chris Rippy, General Superintendent, who donated the cost of his labor and the cost of labor of one of his co-workers. Thanks guys!

Club Closed for Construction


The Construction Department has blue-flagged the club for the weekend of Saturday, August 14th and Sunday, August 15th. Work continues on the front room carpet install. Last weekend was also a blue-flag weekend for preparing the front room, office and hallway for new carpet.

Members are asked to stay away unless explicitly part of one of the work crews. The new carpet is due to be installed on Saturday, Sunday is reserved for unanticipated glitches and to allow the carpet adhesive to cure.